Thursday, 13 October 2011

Health professionals support renewable energy

EMC News
Phil Ambroziak
October 6, 2011

Health professionals come together to support wind and solar power

Earlier this year, the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) launched a campaign in support of green energy. Now, in the midst of the provincial election campaign, CAPE is kicking things into high gear in an effort to educate both politicians and the public about the dangers of coal as a source of energy. 

.....According to CAPE, close to 150,000 Ontarians were made ill by coal in 2010 (many as a result of respiratory issues) and close to 300 deaths per year can be attributed to the burning of coal as an energy source.

"We're a non-partisan organization - as doctors and other health professionals, CAPE members are simply concerned about the health of people and of the environment," Forman remarked. "Having a large group of health professionals supporting this also adds a lot of credibility to the cause."

For the full article, click here.

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